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What Do Scientists Do? Observation Activity

I thought after our house was under contract I’d be able to get back to a normal blogging schedule.  Surprise!  Life got even crazier getting together my resume, starting online job applications, figuring out moving logistics, and making sure we’re not homeless in June.  I’m still working on all of the above.

I figured I’d do some short posts you could use for some end of year or even beginning of next year (I know we’re not really ready to think about that) science.  I always like to start and end the year in science with activities based on science process skills (observing, classifying, experimenting, predicting, inferring) in a unit I call, “What Scientists Do”.

The activity for Observing is fun, especially if you can project the pictures on a big screen.

Here’s what I do:
Introduce the word “Observe” and show students the quick definition with a motion and chant:
Short definition/chant: “To look and listen closely”
Motion: touch eyes, then ears while doing the chant

Before the activity: Take close-up pictures of items around your classroom or grade-level area.
Project the pictures onto a screen and have students see if they can look closely and figure out where this place/item is in the area.  All the pictures in this post are just a few of the pictures I use from my classroom.

I prefer to let students walk around the room during this activity and stand by the place where they believe the item is.  I always remind them to stand back from the item and point rather than mobbing the said item or place in the classroom.  It can turn into a frightening dog pile pretty quickly without some clear expectations.  ðŸ™‚

The kidlets always have fun with this one and are able to practice their observational skills.


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